quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2015

Dia inesperado

Hoje muitos alunos ficaram em casa pois apanharam uma intoxicação alimentar da comida da estância de esqui, eu fui um deles acordei com dores de barriga e vontade de vomitar. Não comi nada ao pequeno almoço pois não me estava a sentir bem só bebi um chá e fui logo para cima.
 Enquanto eu estava no quarto os alunos que foram visitaram a fabrica de cerveja radegast e a Hyundai. Eu fiquei a ver series em casa pois não tinha nada para fazer.
 Na hora de almoço comemos carne de porco com batatas e malagueta no hotel e estava bastante bom mas não foi uma boa ideia comer as malaguetas pois fiquei mal do estômago outra vez.
A tarde depois de terem chegado foram a uma apresentação musical, mas eu fiquei em casa pois não me estava a sentir bem.
Na hora de jantar a comida estava boa mas como não ficamos satisfeitos alguns de nos fomos dividir uma pizza.

Today many students stayed home because they caught food poisoning from the ski resort of food, I was one of them woke up with stomach pains and want to vomit . I have not eaten at breakfast because I do not feel good was only drank tea and I was soon up.
 While I was in the room students who were visited manufactures radegast beer and Hyundai . I was watching series at home since he had nothing to do .
 At lunchtime eat pork with potatoes and chili at the hotel and was pretty good but it was not a good idea to eat the peppers because I was sick to my stomach again.
The afternoon after arriving went to a musical performance , but I stayed home because I was not feel well .

At dinner time the food was good but as we are not satisfied some were split a pizza.

Centro de visitantes
Visitor Center - Radegast Factory



Apresentação de musica

Music Presentation

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